Substance Misuse Warwickshire
The pharmacist is required to supervise the consumption of a medicine prescribed to the patient, for the purposes of dependence and/or addiction to ensure the entire dose is taken as directed. Common medicines which may have to be supervised include methadone and buprenorphine.
Pharmacies can also provide harm reduction items such as clean needles, sharps bins, swabs and citric acid as well as sexual health advice. Any used equipment can be returned for destruction in a safe sharps disposal bin.
The aim of these services is to reduce the harms associated with drug taking to the service user and on the wider society. The service user will be given help, support and signposting to additional services in a non-judgemental and confidential service.
Services Manager Warwickshire Cgl
Tel: 07741 326645
CGL contact: 01926 353513 option 1: Nuneaton, option 2: Leamington, option 3: Rugby
For sign up and contract issues please contact: as it is monitored daily.
The named contact for contract issues is:
Laura Pain, Drug and Alcohol Commissioner
Inequalities and Public Health Commissioning
Public Health
Warwickshire County Council | Shire Hall | Warwick | CV34 4RL
T: 01926 412988
Supervised Consumption Service Specification
Needle Exchange Service Specification
Application for Supervised Consumption & Needle Exchange Form
The recommended supplier has changed from Orion Medical to Vernacare in 2022 – see details bellow:
Change Grow Live Warwickshire Website
Revised covering letter for pharmacies July 2023
Pharmacy bulletin revised 2023 Warks