Transformation of LPCs


Contractor Representation Review

An independent Contractor Representation Review was commissioned by PSNC and the LPCs in 2019 to look for ways in which they could work more effectively together, and to ensure that the representation and support network for contractors – both local and national – is fit for the future. The review findings were published in June 2020 and both the PSNC and the LPCs will be examining and implementing the recommendations in the coming months.

The Pharmacy Review Steering Group (RSG) is working to bring about change so that community pharmacy contractors get the maximum benefits from their Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs) and from the national negotiator PSNC. To contact the RSG, please email:

Pharmacy Representation Review Website
Full Report
PSNC Summary of the recommendations and findings
PSNC Briefing: Summary-of-the-Independent-Review
PSNC Contractor Webinar (Recording)
PSNC Contractor Webinar (Slide Pack)
Next Steps Webinar Slides
LPC Feedback (Coventry)
LPC Feedback (Warwickshire)
LPC Response to Review Questions (Coventry & Warwickshire)
Focus groups for LPCs, PSNC members and contractors

Steering Group Resources 

RSG At A Glance Guide

RSG Webinar June 2021

Review Steering Group: A Five-Point Guide

Review Steering Group: Podcast

Survey Slides

Coventry LPC and Warwickshire LPC Merger 2021/22