A-Z Contacts
This page includes key contact information for pharmacies in an A-Z format.
The Annex D contact list has been circulated to pharmacies – this is not public information so we can’t post it here – to obtain a copy of the current Annex D document, please contact the LPC and we’ll send it to you. Email: ahwlpc@gmail.com
Website: https://www.happyhealthylives.uk/
email: cwicb.contactus@nhs.net
Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board
Westgate House,
Market St,
Warwick CV34 4DE
website: https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/
Telephone: 024 7636 2100
Email: enquiries@covwarkpt.nhs.uk.
Wayside House Reception Telephone: 024 7636 8944
Coventry and Warwickshire
Partnership NHS Trust,
Wayside House, Wilsons Lane,
Coventry, CV6 6NY
New contact for Clinical Waste in all Community Pharmacies and GP Practices in the Midlands Region from September 2021!
website: https://www.anentawaste.com/
e-mail: support@anenta.com
telephone: 033 0122 2143
Find further details here: Clinical Waste Midlands.
website: www.cppe.ac.uk
tel: 0161 778 4000
email: info@cppe.ac.uk
Email: enquiries@nhsdigital.nhs.uk
Tel: 0300 303 5678
More information:
Tel: 0800 028 4060
Local Counter Fraud Specialist (LCFS):
Tel: 02476 536871
General Pharmaceutical Council
Level 14
1 Cabot Square
E14 4QJ
Tel: 020 3713 8000 (Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 5pm)
Email: info@pharmacyregulation.org
Head of Inspection
Julian Graville
020 3713 7818/7934
Health protection teams (HPTs) provide specialist public health advice and operational support to NHS, local authorities and other agencies.
West Midlands HPT Contacts
UK Health Security Agency
23 Stephenson Street
B2 4BH
Telephone: 0344 225 3560 (option 2)
Out of hours advice (health professionals only): 01384 679 031
Email BAT@ukhsa.gov.uk for non-clinical enquiries.
Email phe.wmnoids@nhs.net for clinical notifications of infectious diseases.
024 7622 0381 (admin)
0300 012 0215 Helpline
- Wayside House, Wilsons Lane, Coventry, CV6 6NY
- Reception hours:08:30 – 17:00
- Reception phone number:024 7636 2100
- email infection.control@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
DALS, formerly DA Languages is available to support Community Pharmacies across Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICB and Coventry and Warwickshire ICB with interpretation services.
Please contact clientaccounts@dals.co.uk to set up an account, if you do not have one already.
For more information, please visit the DALS website here.
For West Midlands Pharmacies if they would like to raise a concern regarding a referral from NHS 111, this can be done via completing the attached form and returning to: Feedback111.derbyshire@nhs.net
For urgent queries for active patients, these can still be raised 24/7 with our Operational Supervisors:
DHU Health Care Professional Number –External Access – 0300 1000 414 (#3 NHS111 Shift Manager)
Arden & Gem CSU
Email: contact.ardengem@nhs.net
Tel: 0121 612 1500
Arden, Herefordshire & Worcestershire Area Team:
Wildwood Drive
Tel: 0113 825 3099
CPE Fact Sheet for NHS Mail Technical Queries:
NHSmail pharmacy admin team: pharmacyadmin@nhs.net
The NHSmail national helpdesk may be able to help in certain scenarios (0333 200 1133), however, it is strongly recommended that you email the NHSmail pharmacy admin team above rather than call the general NHSmail helpdesk!
National Service Desk: helpdesk@nhs.net
Tel: 0333 200 1133
For queries regarding shared NHS Mail Inboxes contact pharmacyadmin@nhs.net or call the National Service Desk 0333 200 1133
For individual requests of an NHS Net account call 0300 555 0212 or email MLCSU.Servicedesk@nhs.net
More information:
Please note DSPs can’t use NHS Profile Manager at this time. DSPs can contact their DoS team. The method to identify email addresses of DoS teams is in the ‘DoS oversight’ section of the CPE DoS webpage .
The National DoS emergency telephone number 0300 0200 363 is available 24/7 to support if the user has trouble updating DoS.
The Directory of Services (DoS) is used by other services within the NHS (particularly NHS111) to identify which community pharmacies are open and which services they offer so they can ensure patients are referred to an appropriate pharmacy. Ensuring the DoS is up to date with the pharmacy’s current CPCS availability is important to prevent referrals being made to your pharmacy if you cannot offer the service and will prevent any disruption to patient care.
Profile Manager should be used to ensure the Directory of Services (DoS) is up to date if there is a temporary suspension of all services. If only CPCS is unavailable, the DoS should be updated via your regional DoS Team by contacting them via the email address below
In the West Midlands: Bcicb.wmdosleads@nhs.net
You will need to include the following information on your DoS request:
- ODS code of the Pharmacy
- Address and postcode of the Pharmacy
- Reason CPCS is unavailable
- Planned date and time when it will be available
- Name of person requesting the update
Dispensing errors and general concerns:
Email: england.medsreporting@nhs.net
NHS England has transferred the administration of notices of withdrawal from a pharmaceutical list to Primary Care Support England (PCSE). Any notices of withdrawal should now be sent to pcse.marketentry@nhs.net.
Notices submitted prior to 1st July 2024 will still be processed by the Integrated Care Board (ICB) directly.
Please note and record your local area Out of Hours Health Professional Line phone number to call should you have any prescribing queries relating to prescription issued by the OOH service.
Coventry & Warks OOH HP Line: 0330 123 0942
Any payment queries initially to be emailed to the West Midlands Pharmacy Team generic email address (nhsbsolicb.pharmacy-westmidlands2@nhs.net). This inbox is monitored daily and dealt with accordingly. Someone from the team will contact you if further information is required before sending your payment request to PCSE.
Email: pcse.payments-preston@nhs.net
Tel. 0333 014 2884
PCSE, 3 Caxton Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9ZZ
Please send your Pre-Reg Application forms directly to the West Midlands Pharmacy Team generic email address nhsbsolicb.pharmacy-westmidlands2@nhs.net
Pharmacy Team, WestMidlands
Please include the following information in your email, if the email does not include this information the email will be bounced back to you and no action will be undertaken until the correct information has been included:
ODS Code
Name of Pharmacy
Reason for your email
Please note that if you do not send your message as advised above, it will not be actioned or processed by the team.
Please contact the help desk team via the “help” tab on the PharmOutcomes website or by emailing helpdesk@emishealth.com
PharmOutcomes Help/User Guides
email Pinnacle Health Helpdesk: helpdesk@phpartnership.com
In the interest of security PharmOutcomes is introducing a multi-factor authentication (MFA) log-in procedure.
You can find detailed instructions here and FAQ’s here.
If you have any further questions, or need additional support with MFA, please contact PharmOutcomes on 0345 450 6279.
NHS Safeguarding App
NHS Safeguarding App – Coventry
NHS Safeguarding App – Warwickshire
Safeguarding Training
Patient sharps returns are not part of the pharmacy contract and pharmacies are not obliged to take them unless part of a local council funded scheme. Please contact your local council for details.
Email: wastesolutions@coventry.gov.uk
Tel: 024 7683 2255
More information:
Patient sharps returns are not part of the pharmacy contract and pharmacies are not obliged to take them unless part of the local council funded scheme. Please contact your local council for details.
Warwick District Council:
Contract Services, Warwick District Council, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 5HZ
01926 456615
01926 456128
Email: contract.services@warwickdc.gov.uk
Stratford District Council:
Email: streetscene@stratford-dc.gov.uk
Alternative email: streetscenedutyofficer@stratford-dc.gov.uk
Tel: 01789 260616
Rugby Borough Council:
Email: contact.centre@rugby. gov.uk
Tel: 01788 533 533 (Clinical Waste Team)
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council:
Tel: 02476 376 376 (Clinical Waste Team)
Online Form: :
North Warwickshire Borough Council:
Email: customerservices@northwarks.gov.uk
Tel: 01827 715 341
email: registration.authoritydept@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Registration Authority
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust
Wayside House, Wilsons Lane
Coventry, CV6 6NY
Tel: 02476 844100
More information:
Self-service Smart Card Unlock (if you have an email address registered with the card):
Email: scrpharmacy@nhs.net
More information: